How to be a Productive Introvert in a World That Loves Extroverts

Why it’s time to stop beating yourself up about your introverted nature, and start embracing it for the wonderful thing it is! Bestselling author and TED Talk extraordinaire, Susan Cain, shows you how in “Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking.”

Modern society seems to be obsessed with extroverts. We’re told we need to be loud, proud and shout it from the rooftops. The thing is, in order to show your power and command respect, you don’t always have to be in the faces of other people.

If you’re a natural introvert, there may be times when you feel forced to act out of character in order to be taken seriously and to be able to ensure productivity remains at the top of your list. Indeed, work and life in general are hectic and we need to progress through our daily to-do lists in the midst of noise and general chaos. It’s not the most productive environment for someone who naturally seeks out peace and quiet!

“Quiet: The Power of Introverts” is the idea companion for anyone who often feels like they have to act in an extroverted way in order to fit in, when in reality, they’re far more towards the introverted side of the scale. In a working environment in particular, it seems if you want to stand out and grab those promotion opportunities, you have to be a vocal team leader who shows their personality in a typically extroverted way.

Does this mean that introverts are less able and less likely to succeed? Far from it; introverts have the power to be far more effective leaders than extroverts, with creativity and logical thinking just one power they possess. In addition, acting in a way which doesn’t come naturally to you can lead to exhaustion and pushes you away from your natural skills. As a result, you’re far less effective than you would be if you simply embraced your introverted nature and learnt how to make the most of it.

Susan Cain
19 min read
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“There's zero correlation between being the best talker and having the best ideas”
Susan Cain

For instance, feeling that you need to be a more vocal leader when you deal with people on a one on one means that you can’t use your natural empathy to its highest degree. Being forced to work in a loud and highly collaborative environment means that you don’t get the solitude you need to really focus on a task and unpick it, analyzing and creatively coming up with new solutions to the problem at hand. All of this means you make more mistakes, you miss things, and you’re generally less productive.

Sure, extroverts might be more “fashionable” these days, but sometimes going against fashion can be more fun!

Top 5 traits of an introvert and why they are useful in life

If you need a little more food for thought, let’s look at the top 5 traits of an introvert and explain why they’re so useful in life.

  1. Creativity — Introverts are known to be highly creative, as they like to think deeply and look at different ways to approach a problem or solve it. This can help you think outside of the box and come up with solutions or ideas which are more likely to succeed.
  2. Empathy — Introverts are naturally empathic people, and able to understand how someone is feeling from their body language and the way they carry themselves. This is the perfect skill for a leader in the workplace, and someone who is able to relate to team members on a personal level.
  3. Analytical skills — Working hand in hand with creativity, introverts like to spend time unpicking a problem and really analyzing everything logically. This means higher quality work and less chance of mistakes being made.
  4. Good listener — The fact that introverts don’t feel the need to fill every silence with chatter means they’re able to really listen to what is being said. Listening isn’t always about hearing words, it’s about analyzing body language as well as the words in order to really understand what is going on. For a leader and team member, this is a very effective skill.
  5. The ability to see the bigger picture — Whilst an extrovert might jump straight in head first, eager to solve a problem, an introvert is more likely to consider what the ramifications of a decision might be. They may be slower to make a final choice, but the choice they make is carefully planned and less likely to fail.

Throughout the book, Susan Cain highlights why these traits are so beneficial for productivity, self-esteem, and general decision making in everyday life. Extroverts might get more column inches, but that doesn’t mean they’re more effective!

“Don't think of introversion as something that needs to be cured”
Susan Cain

Understanding this point allows you to really embrace your natural identity and work with it, rather than against it. Learn to love who you are and in return your confidence and self esteem will soar. Life isn’t about trying to be someone you’re not, or about trying to fit in with the crowd. Attempting to do so has consequences on your entire life, productivity included.

Instead, learning to embrace your natural skills and personality will allow you to take your strengths and really work on increasing their power.

5 Ways to find optimum conditions to be yourself

We’ve talked about the fact that you need to embrace who you are, but in order to do that you need the right conditions. So, what situations will make it easier for you to learn to love your introverted nature?

  1. Seek out regular time alone — Introverts need solitude on a regular basis in order to recover from the fast-paced and loud lives we all live. Doing this will allow you to focus on your strengths and perform to the best of your ability. So, schedule in a little ‘me’ time and never cancel it. While you’re working, look for quieter environments, such as quiet zones, booths, and desks with screens around you. How about a full day of total ‘me’ time every week? Perhaps on a Saturday and spend time doing the things you want to do alone. Head out for a coffee, go and see a movie, visit the spa, chill at home -- do whatever you want to do without feeling the need to include others.
  2. Learn to say “no” — Never be afraid to say “no” to something you really can’t do. Introverts tend to feel that saying “no” is a bad thing, but from time to time it’s good! This allows you to manage your time more effectively, without overloading yourself and therefore causing you to feel stressed out. For instance, if your friends are calling you and asking you to go out for coffee, but you simply want to chill out and recharge your batteries, don’t be afraid to say “no”. You can see them another time!
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  4. Use your natural creativity — Whilst it’s easy to feel like you need to use your logical brain more often, remember to embrace your natural creativity too and use it on a regular basis. Look for creative solutions to problems and don’t be afraid to suggest them, even if you think someone is going to laugh. Remember, people only make fun of things they don’t understand!
  5. Focus on your health and wellbeing — In order to maintain your calm and emphatic nature, therefore being a fantastic leader and friend, you need to look after yourself first. Make sure you get plenty of exercise, eat a healthy diet, and always make sure you get enough sleep. This will allow you to remain productive and healthy at the same time.
  6. Cultivate a positive mindset — It can be easy for an introvert to be dragged down by the demands of life, especially if you’re trying to work against your natural nature. Maintain a positive mindset as much as possible, perhaps using positive affirmations to help you.
“So stay true to your own nature. If you like to do things in a slow and steady way, don't let others make you feel as if you have to race”
Susan Cain

Trying to be something you’re not never works. Equally, feeling ashamed to be who you are simply because society wants you to be something different will simply lead to low self esteem and a lack of productivity in general.

The answer? Learn to appreciate your introverted nature and understand why sometimes being a little quieter is a better option than shouting from the rooftops! Throughout “Quiet: The Power of Introverts”, Susan Cain helps introverts to feel in control of their personality and highlights exactly why the traits associated with introversion are actually far more beneficial than we’re lead to believe.

At the end of the day, do you want to live your life being someone you’re not? It’s like trying to force a square peg into a round hole — it just doesn’t work and in the end it chips away at the edges, causing damage. Look after yourself by being yourself, no matter what society says.

For further reading on negotiation, check out summary of the book “Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking” by Susan Cain

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For further reading on productivity for introverts, check out summary of this bestseller.

Susan Cain
19 min read
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